Episode 09: Protect Your Energy

Most that know me know...

that I constantly talk about energy. From the vibes you get from other people to your methods of entertainment, we're all being fed daily manifestations. As a result, you should be mindful of what you surround yourself with. Especially for those that are goal oriented. When you have a vision for what you want your life to look like, you must stay focused because distractions are rampant and the devil is busy. Ofttimes, the things you surround yourself with manifests itself into your life. Being mindful and protective of your energy source is key.

Here are 3 ways you can protect the energy around you:
1. Social Media/Television Cleanse
2. "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" - Jim Rohn
3. Get an accountability crew

Once you change your input, your output will change as well. For better or for worse. Be mindful and intentional with your life.